Under a canopy of eight heart-monitoring screens in a cardiac catheterization lab on a recent Monday, Mayo Clinic doctors briefly paused a procedure treating atrial fibrillation to inspect a new tool: ...
New research shows that cryoablation is a safe and effective approach to close congenital patent foramen ovale (PFO, a small ...
Research conducted across 12 hospitals in China has discovered that combining linear ablation with ethanol infusion via the ...
Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF)-induced cardiomyopathy (AIC) is retrospectively defined after normalisation of left ...
The Heart Institute of East Texas ... of the first in the region to implement Pulse Field Ablation (PFA) technology developed ...
The right treatment option for AFib depends on a person’s diagnosis and other known medical conditions. One treatment option, known as ablation, involves modifying heart tissue to prevent AFib signals ...
Cookeville Regional Medical Center recently announced the treatment of its first patient with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Medtronic PulseSelect Pulsed Field Ablation (PFA) Sys ...
Recent studies have demonstrated the benefit of early ablation in preventing the progression of atrial fibrillation (AF). Clinical practice has reflected this shift in AF management and no longer ...