By Andy Furman NKyTribune reporter A teacher at a loss for words – speechless. Could it be? Cannot happen? It did, when Jenna ...
The Missouri State Board of Education wants to change the required content grade point average (GPA) requirement from 3.0 to ...
Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. Story continues below photo gallery. ...
No student is an island in Emily Soenksen’s classroom. The Thomas Jefferson Middle School math teacher encourages her ...
When schools closed, Dr. Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford, opposed prolonged lockdowns and took the lead in ...
Some changes are coming to Alabama’s Department of Education elementary math curriculum. College students studying education ...
“Our goal is for every student to be able to engage mathematically and learn mathematics in a meaningful way. Of course to ...
New research by Johns Hopkins neuroscientists reveals that these hearing-dependent animals employ a remarkable compensation strategy in times of diminished hearing. The work, newly published in ...
Imagine a classroom full of bright young students, all striving to do their best on a high school math test ... That said, LLMs could grade the work of students as well. It’s all part of ...
To be completely honest, when I first heard about differentiated instruction, I thought it would be something that just caused even more work, stress, and frustration for me. My classroom was filled ...
A fifth-century amulet depicting the Prophet Solomon ... The ongoing excavation and renovation work is led by Associate Professor Ersin Çelikbaş from the Department of Archaeology at Karabük ...
Fewer than one-third of Philadelphia high school students passed state math exams ... 5. Student performance in biology improved, but literature was down. The board also heard about high school ...