How did U.S. students fare academically last year? There are three different sources of information to answer that question.
While data released by the Maryland State Department of Education this week shows slight improvement of English language proficiency scores across County Public Schools, some groups of students saw a ...
As Maryland rolls out a literacy plan that could, among other things, hold back third graders who aren’t reading on grade ...
Test scores improve for Stamford's kindergarten class as preschool experience grows, but other tests enforce the trend that ...
New Jersey students made slight gains in reading and math 2024 state exams, but a data analysis showed Newark proficiency ...
Guam Department of Education teachers are putting in the work to raise student achievement, according to the head of ...
HISD's curriculum design department utilizes student engagement strategies and 'scaffolding' to get students on grade level.
Currently, fewer than half of Maryland children are proficient in reading, and only 1 in 4 are proficient in math, according ...
This announcement comes not a moment too soon. According to results from the latest Programme for International Student ...
THE Department of Education (DepEd) 7 is intensifying efforts to address literacy challenges among young students in the ...
Their pass rates were just 28 percent in the numeracy tests, 44 percent in writing and 47 percent in reading. An assessment report said students who did not achieve the ... but overall we're still a ...