After leaving fashion in disgrace in 2011 after making antisemitic comments in a Paris bar, Galliano returned in 2015. No ...
近日,John Galliano 与 Maison Margiela 结束了长达十年的合作,该项合作始于 Galliano 的职业低谷期,在此前的几年中 Galliano 曾因为种族敏感言论,被以 Dior 为首的 LVMH ...
高管每日必读的早报及舆情01Maison Margiela创意总监John Galliano离任Maison Margiela创意总监John ...
深度报道|EDITORIAL今天,一则飘荡在时尚行业半年的流言应验:天才选手John Galliano最终没有与Maison ...
John Galliano 离开 Maison Margiela:这位英国设计师在十年的艺术指导后告别了。在 Instagram 上问候并感谢 Otb 所有者 Renzo Rosso 英国著名设计师 约翰·加利亚诺(John ...
John Galliano, the controversial fashion designer who joined Maison Margiela in 2014 after being fired from Dior and his own ...
世界知名设计师John Galliano周三在Instagram上发文表示,他将辞去Maison Margiela创意总监一职,结束了他在这家法国品牌长达十年的辉煌征程。作为时尚圈的顶级大咖和明星设计师,John Galliano的每一步都备受瞩目。
The British designer and Renzo Rosso forged a familial bond over their 10-year collaboration, which produced plenty of ...
Controversial designer John Galliano is out at French luxury fashion brand Maison Margiela as the revolving door of fashion ...
In a very personal Instagram post this morning, John Galliano announced that he is stepping down as creative director of ...
After many whispers in the fashion world, Maison Margiela confirmed this week that John Galliano was leaving the brand.