The central dogma of molecular biology suggests that the primary role of RNA is to convert the information stored in DNA into proteins. In reality, there is much more to the RNA story. However ...
快科技11月28日消息,阿里巴巴宣布,该公司与中山大学合作的科研成果登上国际顶级学术期刊《Cell》封面。《Cell》《Nature》和《Science》并称为国际上三大最具影响力的科学期刊,发表在封面的文章代表着该领域内最前沿和重要的研究成果。研究 ...
中国青年报客户端讯(中青报·中青网记者王烨捷)近日,上海交通大学医学院分子医学研究院杨朝勇团队与附属仁济医院泌尿科郑军华团队在《Nature ...
At the heart of molecular biology is the study of genetic material – DNA and RNA – which serve as the fundamental blueprints for life. These nucleic acids are not only essential for understanding how ...
环形 RNA(circular RNA,circRNA)是一类广泛存在于真核细胞中的内源性非编码 RNA 分子,在生物体发育过程中发挥着重要作用。其独特的环状结构使其免受外切酶降解,因此比线性 RNA 更加稳定。自 2010 ...
科技日报北京11月28日电 (记者张梦然)瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院等机构研究人员开发出一种突破性的显微镜方法,能够以细胞级分辨率对完整的小鼠大脑进行详细的三维RNA分析。发表在最新一期《科学》杂志上的这种名为TRISCO的新方法,有可能改变人们对正常和疾病状态下大脑功能的理解。
Well, you actually can. NOVA’s RNA Lab is an extension of a game called Eterna, which gets players to help scientists understand an important family of biomolecules called RNAs. Here’s how it ...