cannot be described with words," Sam*, a regular user of hallucinogenic drugs, wrote to me when he described one of his experiences with N,N-Dimethyltryptamine - known as DMT. "It's a state where ...
DMT, known as the "spirit molecule," could be key to understanding dreams, near-death experiences, and spiritual awakenings.
Perhaps an even more surefire way to land on the far side of that threshold is to tell them about your trip on one of the ...
DMT is the major psychoactive compound in ayahuasca, a drink made from vines The effects of a powerful psychedelic drug are similar to a near-death experience, research suggests. Answers to a ...
前言脊髓性肌萎缩症(SMA)是一种严重的遗传性神经肌肉疾病,因运动神经元存活基因1(SMN1)纯合缺失或突变导致SMN蛋白缺乏所致1。SMA主要表现为进行性、对称性,以肢体近端为主的肌无力和肌萎缩2。根据起病年龄及能达到的最大运动里程碑,将SMA分为 ...