A celestial light show illuminates a distant spiral galaxy, where a hidden supernova briefly outshines its stellar neighbors in a new image from the Hubble Space Telescope. The galaxy, called NGC ...
Explore these orbiting pioneers and learn what they've discovered. 3 min read The Hubble Space Telescope was designed to free astronomers of a limitation that has plagued them since the days of ...
It essentially made Hubble into a new telescope. "ACS has roughly ten times the discovery power of the previous camera," says Mario Livio, astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in ...
A photo allegedly showing the Helix Nebula and that was said to have been captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope was ...
It's 30 years ago to the day that the Hubble telescope was launched - and to celebrate its birthday, the veteran observatory has produced another astonishing image of the cosmos. This one is of a ...
December's night sky offers Venus and a crescent moon shining together as the planet emerge after sunset and a “Cold Beaver ...