V for Vendetta is a dystopian political thriller movie, directed by James McTeigue, which became a cult classic after its theatrical release on March 17, 2006. The movie is written by Lana and ...
We dig deeper into the movie to find out ... V, the main character in V for Vendetta, embodies this symbol by wearing a Guy Fawkes mask. Hugo Weaving, the actor who plays V, has argued ...
In this violent Swedish action drama, based on the popular novels of Jan Guillou and filmed in Sicily, super-spy Carl Hamilton and his partner Lundwall must negotiate with the Mafia to ensure the ...
In 2005, the dystopian thriller "V for Vendetta" was released into theaters. Directed by James McTeigue and written by the Wachowskis, the film brought to life onscreen the comic by the same name ...
A respected pastor is shattered when his daughter is kidnapped and not returned. He renounces his faith in God and becomes a corrupt businessman. Years later, he receives a call and finds that his ...