Sushma Swaraj, one of India's best known politicians, has died. Ms Swaraj, who served as foreign minister for five years, suffered a cardiac arrest on Tuesday, the Press Trust of India said.
Sushma Swaraj's surprise visit to Nepal sends a positive signal despite past tensions with Nepal's new prime minister. Recent visits see the two countries strengthening an already solid relationship.
Indian government renamed two foreign policy institutions after Sushma Swaraj. Few failed to remember the late foreign minister Sushma Swaraj on her birthday - as the minister who is ever ready to ...
In the party circles she is now called Tamil Nadu’s Sushma Swaraj. Recently at a meeting in Chennai, speaker after speaker called her the Sushma Swaraj of Tamil Nadu much to the embarrassment of ...
MoSPI Launches Data User's Conference on Annual Survey of Industries - The Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation ...