Real Steel, aka Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, found himself facing down Shoto as the seemingly perfect opponent, powering his way through both Todoroki’s ice and fire powers. With Shoto realizing that ...
Shoto Todoroki is one of the most brilliant characters in My Hero Academia and he has maintained this position for quite a long time. In the main story, fans knew him to be one of the brightest ...
Shoto Todoroki's growth in My Hero Academia has been stellar, reaching a level of power that surpasses even Endeavor. Shoto is now a Top Hero in the story, working diligently and even surpassing ...
Todoroki Shoto from My Hero Academia is one of the most popular anime characters, known for his dual fire-and-ice Quirk and ...
Toya Todoroki fought Endeavor and Shoto Toya's life was barely saved Toya Todoroki, popularly known as Dabi, was one of the main antagonists in My Hero Academia. Fans know him to have been a ...
“After [the “Dabi Dance” scene in Season 6] it was revealed that Dabi is the eldest son of the Todoroki family ... teased how this will play off of Shoto’s role in the new episodes. “ ...