Sword Art Online is an anime series that follows protagonist Kirito as he and thousands of others become trapped in a virtual reality MMORPG where death in the game means death in real life.
The Anime adaptation of Sword Art Online faced production challenges due to its short content length, so the author fleshed ...
Sword Art Online has had a good run but it feels like time for the final new season of the Sword Art Online anime in 2025.
Here are 10 anime titles that would fit perfectly into a MOBA game including classics like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Sword ...
Here’s everything you need to know about Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Season 2 Episode 9, including the ...
Anime swordswomen may not be as prominent as anime swordsmen; however, they bring a certain allure to the various series they ...
When it comes down to it, Pitohui is a victim of her own natural talent. Life is on easy-mode for her. She knows exactly what ...
The revelation comes from Sword Art Online itself as the anime’s social pages posted a teaser. The image, as you can see below, tells fans that something is on the horizon for November 7th.