The stop-motion animated classic is one of the longest running holiday specials, and is actually based on the beloved ...
Young Rudolph suffers a childhood accident that sees his nose turn from the publicly accepted norm of black to a glowing red colour. His parents worry about him getting teased, and indeed he does in ...
But what about Santa's trusty sidekick, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? When did Santa start flying around the globe with a team of magical reindeer, and is there some epic Christmas Eve fog in ...
Everyone's favorite Christmas specials will be hard to miss in 2024, with several available on streaming services and free ...
Any ideas? The answer is none other than Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer—he of the very shiny nose. As I said, I’ve thought about this over the years and have to agree that Rudolph furnishes an ...