《罪恶都市》以其开放世界设计和丰富的角色设定,吸引了无数玩家。游戏将1980年代的迈阿密生活风貌完美再现,充满了怀旧色彩与叛逆精神,引发强烈的情感共鸣。作为PS2的独占游戏,这款作品不仅提供了无与伦比的沉浸感,更是开创了往后开放世界游戏的设计范式。玩 ...
Former PlayStation Europe boss, Chris Deering, has revealed that Sony's exclusivity bid on the PS2 GTA trilogy was response ...
As a prequel to Grand Theft Auto III, Liberty City Stories features the same version of Liberty City used in the 2001 PS2 classic. The PSP version of Liberty City Stories features an online ...
A former PlayStation exec reveals that Grand Theft Auto was temporarily exclusive to the PlayStation 2 because Sony was ...
Sony’s original PlayStation exclusivity deal for Grand Theft Auto 3 and the following two games in the series was in part a ...
Sony inked an exclusivity deal that paid off; With Grand Theft Auto 3, PlayStation cement its console dominance.
Three of the best PS2 games ever released by PlayStation are finally going to be accessible on modern consoles.
Getty Images In 2003, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City broke records for video game sales Victoria played PS2 lots with her friends and family. "My friends used to come over, really excited after ...