在数字图像处理领域,Adobe Photoshop(简称PS)是一个不可或缺的利器,广受专业设计师与业余爱好者的青睐。无论是处理个人照片、制作海报,还是进行广告设计,Photoshop都能提供无与伦比的功能和灵活性。而在其中,一个经常需要用到的技能就是“扣章”,也就是从图像中提取出特定部分,如印章、logo等。本文将详细解读如何在Photoshop中轻松扣除印章,成为设计中的高手!
As the designer you’ve got an ambitious job; it’s essential to create a punchy logo that conveys the right message with only one or two strategically designed words and flourishes. Your audience ...
Not all Photoshop tricks are found with new technology updates. Here are some stunning features that will improve your Photoshop workflow.