The primary stimulator of pericyte proliferation, however, is PDGF. Figure 3 depicts the ischemia-driven upregulation of VEGF, PDGF, FGF and Ang-2 and their target cells (stromal cells ...
华芢生物第二次向港交所递交招股书,计划在香港主板上市,联席保荐人为华泰国际和中信证券。华芢生物是一家专注于发现、开发和商业化伤口愈合多功能疗法的生物医药公司,重点开发血小板衍生生长因子(PDGF)药物。公司产品管线包含十款候选产品,其中两款核心产品Pro-101-1和Pro-101-2正在进行II期及IIb期临床试验。根据弗若斯特沙利文报告,中国生长因子药物市场规模预计将从2023年的153亿元增 ...
Four weeks later, levels of IL-6, IP-10, MCP-1, VEGF and PDGF-AA were decreased in the eyes that received triamcinolone, whereas only VEGF levels were lower in eyes that received bevacizumab.