A low-flying airplane escorted by military jets sent worried workers fleeing offices in the New York City area. The FAA said it was a "photo op" conducted by a unit of the Air Force.
PEOPLE across Worcestershire looked up to the skies in amazement and confusion as an extremely low-flying RAF plane soared over the county. It was first spotted flying over the Malvern Hills at ...
If you spot a low-flying plane in the skies this month and next, they're working to stop the spread of an invasive species. The Ohio Department of Agriculture said they will be deploying small ...
RAF Wittering is warning equestrians in its area of an increase in large aircraft and fighter jets in the coming week A story in H&H about a low-flying Chinook helicopter spooking racehorses has ...
Residents may notice a low-flying aircraft spraying insecticides approved for mosquito control. For more information, contact the Lake County Division of Mosquito & Aquatic Plant Management at 352-253 ...
Residents may notice a low-flying aircraft spraying insecticides approved for mosquito control. For more information, contact the Lake County Division of Mosquito & Aquatic Plant Management at ...