Angel Studios just acquired the animated movie THE KING OF KINGS: A STORY TOLD BY CHARLES DICKENS, which will release just ...
There is a successful hymn sung before Christmas called Let all mortal flesh keep silence. By “successful” I mean that the ...
St. Paul is blunt about this fact: Unless Jesus is risen from the dead, “your faith is in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:14). Unless ...
God is the same. He has a peculiar way of being just around the corner of those who look for him. He replaces shame with ...
I adore you, O Jesus, God of love, truly present in the Most ... I adore you, with all the angels and saints, and with those chosen souls that are now already the blessed of your Father and ...
This shows that the message of Jesus was for all people, even those considered to be insignificant or marginalised. A great company of angels appeared, singing praises to God. This is now known as ...
NARRATOR: The Bible says that the angel told Mary she would have a baby who would be known as 'The Son of God', and his name would be Jesus. The angel told her that Jesus would do great things for ...
Mark 1:9-13 covers Jesus’ baptism and His subsequent temptation in the wilderness, both of which reveal key aspects of His mission and identity. The main insights from biblical and ...