Povidone iodine topical is used on the skin to treat ... areas that may come into contact with the baby's mouth. Use Betadine Dry Powder (Topical) exactly as directed on the label, or as ...
Once the blood clot, wipe the injury out using a povidone-iodine solution or hydrogen peroxide to prevent bacterial infection ...
Povidone-iodine 5%; aerosol. Spray—3 oz; Soln—½ oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, pt, qt, gal; Swab sticks—1, 3 packs; Prep stick—600; PrepStick Plus—600; Scrub—4 oz, pt ...
Povidone-iodine 0.3%; premixed vaginal soln. Treatment: douche daily for 5 days. Cleansing: douche once or twice weekly. Conc: use 30mL/quart of water.