That is, you can use a single I2C address pin for each device as a chip select signal just like you would have with SPI. That’s it, really. [Marv G] goes through all of the other possible ...
You only really need two data wires to transfer a ton of data. Standards like UART, USB2, I2C, SPI, PS/2, CAN, RS232, SWD (an interface to program MCUs), RS485, DMX, and many others, all are a ...
Working at the heart of the system architecture, Mahaveer significantly modified the system's fundamental architecture to include the change from a QSPI to an I2C protocol.
I2C Slave To AXI Bridge interface provides full support for the two-wire I2C synchronous serial interface, compatible with I2C version 6.0 specification. Through its I2C compatibility, it provides a ...