Holidazed is a comedy-drama series created by Claudia Grazioso. It is the first-ever Hallmark Network TV series that will be released on November 14, 2024. The episodes are directed by Stacey N.
A '90s Christmas is an upcoming Hallmark film that will premiere on the Hallmark channel on November 29, 2024, at 6 pm ET. This TV movie is directed by Marni Banack and written by Ryan Peckinpaugh.
Hallmark’s first scripted holiday series, Holidazed, features a huge cast. 37 principle actors, to be exact. “It was a lot to keep track of,” admits Claudia Grazioso, the showrunner of the ...
After years of delivering whimsical holiday movies, Hallmark Channel is presenting its first-ever holiday series, “Holidazed,” on its new streaming service, Hallmark+. Set in a small town ...