Art of Animation is themed to four animated Disney classics. They are: The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Cars, and Finding Nemo. There is something to love about each of the areas and you will ...
Here are 10 quotes from Pixar that warm our hearts and teach us lessons in life. Context: One of the most notable lines by Dory from Finding Nemo, the idea of “just keep swimming” gives us the ...
Disney’s Finding Nemo Jr. is a musical adaptation of the beloved 2003 Pixar movie Finding Nemo, with music by award winning songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. Marlin ...
"Inside Out" is an unmistakable Pixar production. Much like "Toy Story," Finding Nemo," and "Up," the movie takes you on wildly funny adventures, all while tugging at the heartstrings. It strikes ...