In a groundbreaking and surreal twist, Eminem takes on his alter ego, Slim Shady, in a face to face interview for Complex’s “The Face-Off” series. The digital short, which has already ...
"Cause I'm like, that was random. I'm always gonna have love for him. That's my guy." For his part, Eminem has previously ...
“Tobey,” the second single from Eminem’s upcoming “The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce ... Spider-Man meme plucked from a ’60s cartoon. More: 'Detroit, we love you': Eminem ...
Twenty-five years after bursting on to the scene, it appears rapper Eminem's provocative alter ego Slim Shady has finally been silenced. The antagonistic Slim Shady, with his peroxide-blond hair ...