The final series to be heavily worked on by franchise creator Akira Toriyama, who passed away in March 2024, the Dragon Ball Daima anime premiered on October 11. The anime series follows Goku and ...
First up, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will be receiving some new DLC, officially titled 'Daima: Adventure Through the Demon Realm' with part one "coming soon". Prepare to enter a new world –the Demon ...
Adventure Through the Demon Realm – Part 1” will launch in 2025, publisher Bandai Namco and developer CyberConnect2 announced ...
That's because Broly is famously known as the Legendary Super Saiyan, at least in Dragon Ball Z. To this point, the DLC for Kakarot has covered the Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F' movies ...
Kakarot DLC continues to surprise fans with new sagas after the initial release of Goku's journey in DBZ: Kakarot. Leak hints ...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will be getting a new DLC called the Future Saga: Chapter 2, as announced by Bandai Namco. The new ...