另一边Intel家的八代i3 8100散片价格也下潜到了650元左右,四核四线程的它性能也能满足很多游戏需求了,玩家们也许会陷入一度的选择困难之中... 纠结点:i3-8100很多散片已经降到650左右了 虽说i3-8100盒装价格还高高在上的900多块钱,但是散片已经悄悄地降落到了 ...
Critical Hit Games 已经公布了其官方PC系统要求。 要运行这款游戏,PC玩家最低需要Intel Core I3-8100或AMD Ryzen 5 2600X处理器,8GB内存,以及NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 ...
Zhaoxin's KaiXian KX-7000/8 processor tested in various applications: still cannot compete against modern x86 processors from ...
According to PC Watch, performance benchmarks show that while the KX-7000 has made strides over its predecessor, it lags behind Intel’s older 8th generation Core i3-8100 in single-thread ...