The acclaimed film by Emily Kassie and Julian Brave NoiseCat investigates child abuse and murder at Catholic boarding schools ...
"Pogrom Bhéal Feirste," a new documentary airing on TG4,  tells the story of a book written by a Catholic priest in 1922 that ...
The film, about the abusive legacy of Catholic-run Native American missionary ... This year’s IDA Documentary Awards nominees were selected from more than 700 entries from 77 countries, both ...
THE SEARCH: MANUFACTURING BELIEF is a feature length documentary that examines the ... first as a teenager at a Catholic Retreat Weekend in 1975, and then again more than 40 years later as a ...
Book gathered details of violence against Catholics between 1920 and 1922 before publishing plans were scrapped ...
Netflix's 2017 docuseries delves into the unsolved murder of Cathy Cesnik, a beloved nun and Catholic high school teacher in ...
Dame Sheila Hancock says Jesus Christ would have been cancelled if he were alive - Actor believes religious preacher would ...