The first-ever animated feature film for “Bluey” will land in theaters in 2027, BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company announced. According to a press release, the movie "will continue the adventures ...
The Walt Disney Company announced Tuesday that a film with BBC Studios is in the works, slated to follow the life of the ...
Since its debut on ABC TV in 2018, Bluey has evolved into a global phenomenon, becoming the most-watched series on Disney+ ...
Disney Acquires Global Theatrical Film Rights for No. 1 Streaming Series, Bluey, With Streaming on Disney+ ...
Image: Bluey S3, courtesy Ludo StudioScreen Queensland has today confirmed that the debut animated feature film for international phenomenon Bluey ...
Bluey feature film is making its way to theaters in 2027 and he will be taking time away from the regular series. The news ...
The Walt Disney Co. and BBC Studios announced Tuesday that a film based on the hit Australian animated series will arrive in theaters in 2027. The movie will be written and directed by series creator ...