十年前AWS推出Lambda的时候,它成为了重塑云计算格局的一个大胆实验。 无服务器计算,一个在Lambda首次亮相之前几乎不存在的术语,现在已经发展成为一个价值数十亿美金的市场,让企业和初创 ...
In the fast-evolving world of software development, serverless architecture has become a game-changer, enabling developers to ...
作者 | Renato Losio译者 | 平川策划 | Tina最近,亚马逊首席技术官 Werner Vogels公布 了开始实施 AWS Lambda 项目时的内部设计说明。这次发布的 PR/FAQ 曾催生了亚马逊最受欢迎的服务之一。通过这份文件,你可以一窥亚马逊无服务器计算设计的内幕和最初愿景。这份带有亚马逊首席技术官注释的内部文件详细介绍了 AWS ...
AWS has launched new features for DynamoDB, Aurora and MemoryDB cloud databases to help scale distributed workloads and lower costs.
A ‘working backwards’ approach with a feedback loop that defined serverless AWS’ famous customer-centric “working backwards” methodology was foundational to Lambda’s development ...
As generative AI moves to production systems, adopters are reaping rewards like accelerated productivity, says Swami ...
In an exclusive interview at Amazon Web Services Inc.’s Seattle headquarters, I sat down with Chief Executive Matt Garman (pictured) to delve into the themes that will shape re:Invent and AWS’ ...
Looking toward the future, Gautham envisions event-driven architectures and serverless technologies playing a pivotal role in ...
AWS expands resource sharing capabilities, enabling secure integration across VPCs with EventBridge and Step Functions for ...
十年前AWS推出Lambda的时候,它成为了重塑云计算格局的一个大胆实验。 无服务器计算,一个在Lambda首次亮相之前几乎不存在的术语,现在已经发展 ...