Today, Apple revealed an update to the 27-inch 5K Retina iMac with faster processors, updated graphics, more storage, and new display features. Although the new 27-inch iMac’s design is identical to ...
The 17-inch 1.83GHz Core 2 Duo iMac appeared due to a technical issue and anyone who placed an order saw it quickly cancelled.
我朋友就捡了个漏,只花了¥150元搬回了一台iMac 21.5英寸2011款的苹果一体机,可惜了我没赶上这个机会捡不到漏了。 展示 这台iMac苹果一体机在外观 ...
之前我朋友只花了150元捡漏了一台iMac 21.5英寸2011款苹果一体机。 现在准备升级改造一下,之前询问过i7-2600S拆机的CPU还要500多元。考虑到性能提升 ...