卫星图像和Youtube剪辑的屏幕截图显示了俄罗斯的乌拉尔车辆坦克工厂,该工厂接收了一辆缴获的豹2坦克。(基础图片:明德国际研究学院/PlanetLabsInc.;截图来自YouTube上的“DimitroSevastopol”频道)从视频来看,还是 ...
Their lives were saved by a Leopard 2A6 tank, which withstood a fierce Russian attack. A member of the Ukrainian Leopard 2A6 crew revealed that the tank took a total of 12 hits, yet it was able to ...
Their lives were saved by a Leopard 2A6 tank, which withstood a fierce Russian assault. According to a member of the Ukrainian Leopard 2A6 crew, the tank was hit 12 times in total, yet it was ...